Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Long time, no talk

 Ok guys I know it's been fweaking while but I know y'all are dying for an update. So first off no my son in the mish is not a scrub, his name is Elder P and he's freaking hype. We have a joke he's my trainer because he literally is a beast and came pre-trained so that's hype.

We are still in Kissimmee East but I absolutely love this area. I've been here about 4 1/2 months and I've loved every bit of it. It's a complete blast with Elder P and we have a ton of fun. So much has happened but I haven't been writing weekly because I'm always so tired pday night so I'm sorry :( I'll try and be better.

Some of things we've done include going to Wild Florida and seeing a bunch of dope animals including a 14 ft gator which was low-key terrifying. Also no I have yet to wrestle one but I will. We also had a basketball tournament for a Elders Quorum activity called Elders versus Elderly which really meant 3 teams of 4 with 2 elders on each of the younger teams with some priests and teachers and a team of all older people. P and I of course swept the competition and took home the title! It was a lot of fun and it included a lot of awesome food. I've also had a lot of fun doing some exchanges getting to practice my Spanish and I got to go up to the Church Ranch here and have a sweet day of service. My district is so much fun and we honestly have a blast playing sports and games and just hanging out. I've had some of my really good friends here get to go to their original assignments which has been awesome but also sad because Ima miss them.

The teaching is going so well, we are really busy and we are working to help our friend R be baptized. He is so spiritual and we absolutely love every time we get to teach him. The love I have for these people here in Florida is amazing and I'm so happy I have the opportunity to serve God and learn so much while I do it.

This week I had a thought during personal study. I was thinking about President Nelson's challenge in conference that as we desire to grow our faith that we need to do things that require more faith. And something that really hit me is how that's how everything in the gospel works. If we want more hope we need to do things that require more hope, more diligence then do things that require more diligence. It's this reason that God gives us trials and tribulations because he knows what we need to work on and so he provides us with opportunities to do that more! I will give you guys a parable (I've been studying Christ's parables) about this subject. There once was a man who endeavored in boxing. He had never fought anyone but every morning he practiced. He of course improves in his abilities but until he actually fights his ability to improve is hampered. He does not know which abilities he lacks and which he's already good at. Not only that but knowledge unapplied is often lacking the wisdom that comes from experience. It is the same with our growth. We can learn about Christlike attributes and spiritual gifts but without ever applying them or seeking to use them in ways where we need to apply what we learn we may grow but it will be much slower and less noticeable.

I love this gospel, I've already been able to see how much I've changed in the past few months. Too often I look in the mirror and hardly recognize myself (that's a good thing). I love who I've become and I know it's truly been only because of my desire to turn it all over to the Lord. Here is a quote I love and I leave with y'all to ponder

"Trust in Him. Trust Him who knows all things. Trust Him who has all power. Trust Him whose love for you is perfect. Trust Him, who alone suffered, paid and atoned for your sins, and for your weaknesses as well. Trust Him that He will make of you, immeasurably more, than what you will ever, ever, in all eternity, make of yourself. He will create of you a masterpiece. You will create of you only a smudge. You will create an ordinary man. He will create a God."

I love you all, I pray every morning for y'all. Either by name specifically or in general I know God is watching over you.

-Elder Pettingill

Don't worry I got lots of pictures:

-district hangouts

-4th of July gear acquired from the one and only I


-more district hangout in our youth conference shirts

-did I say district hangout yet?

-^^ BBQ we had as a district

-more gators

-and my adorable friend Elder H because why not

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