Monday, March 9, 2020

So Much Profoundness

This week has been super legit. We have been working super hard and we have had a little more success. We found 2 new investigators who are super awesome, and we are working towards baptisms with them! Some other things that happened was that some of the elders in my district came and visited us and they blew my mind. I will refrain from recounting the happenings but let's just say, my mind is expounded and its rather difficult to think about everything in the same way. But also while they were here we played soccer which was super fun. And while we're playing there was a 12 year old chilling on the side of the court. We invited him to join our game and let's just say he was by far the best one there. Luckily he was on my team so we won.

This week has been rather uneventful other than those two things but one thing I love is that when we get down deep into the Gospel all we can see is God's love for us. Everything he does, everything he has ever done, and everything he will ever do is for us. Know that you are not alone. He will never abandon you, he will forever be reaching out for you because he loves you more than you can imagine. That is why he sent Christ. To do the unimaginable, to make the impossible, possible. Because through him, we can become perfect, through him our burdens become light, and the sorrows of life are drowned out by his love. BUT it is also our choice. God will never force his love upon us, we need to reach out and grabbed his extended hand and only after can he help us.
Eu amo vocês. Eu espero muito que tudo em suas vidas seja bem. Eu oro por vocês e sei que seu pai celestial te ama muito. Ter uma boa semana.
-Elder Pettingill

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