Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Two Transfers Left

Hey guys how's everyone doing? Sorry it's been a bit since my last email!! So quick updates I'm still in a Portuguese area but I'm training my third missionary!! It's super hype. His name is Elder C and we are just starting out second transfer together! He's going to Mozambique Africa speaking Portuguese so I get to help him out with that!!

The area is literally so fun and we are popping off in the work. As a zone we found about 550 people this past transfer with 18 missionaries in our zone. We were averaging about 10 new people a week so it's been hyyype and super busy here. It's been a complete blast.

It's kind of crazy how fast the mission has gone! It feels like it was a month ago I got back in the mission and about a week ago I got here. It hasn't been since I'm on my 4th transfer here. We've got some dope stuff coming up including zone conference around Thanksgiving and a Christmas conference where our zone will be singing!! Oh fun fact my zone only has Elders in it so it's gonna be a dope Elders only musical number.

With transfers hitting tomorrow, our zone is staying almost exactly the same except three companionship are training and we lost 2 elders. But all in all we are gonna have 5 trainees in the zone which is super hype. Basically we bouta pop off. I'm still district leader so it's been super fun to get so close as a district and I'm happy we get to pretty much stay exactly the same.

Guys the mission is the best. I'm so grateful for the time I've gotten. It's weird thinking about how close I am to finishing because I've seen how fast 3 months goes but I'm so grateful for the opportunity I get to serve here.

So some of the dopest things that have been happening is we are teaching our friend N. She is literally soooo amazing. She is easily the most golden investigator I've taught and she is so willing to place God over everything. Her faith is super inspiring. She wants to get baptized sooo badly. We are working on getting her married and she is super dedicated to be marrying on the day her fiance agrees to it. She also really wants her two sons to get baptized so we are working on that as soon as they get here from Brazil!

We also found a family this week which was super awesome. We dropped off a Book of Mormon and then they came to church! The 11 year old son ended up having a friend from School and the 10 year old daughter ended up loving it!! It was super awesome!

I want to end with my testimony! Something I've definitely learned since being on a mission is how incredibly true the church is. Living the gospel is how you come to know the church is true. If you have doubts, try it, and I promise you'll come to know the principals are true. Something an elder shared with me, is that in most churches as education increases attendance to that church decreases. Whereas in our church the more educated someone gets, the more active they become. I think that's such a cool little thing that's strengthened my testimony. And the thing is there are so many little things that really show "by small and simple things, great things come to pass"

Love y'all and hope you are doing great.  

-Elder Pettingill

-The temple!

-My mission child and grandchildren

-Halloween courtesy of my mom

-A's baptism!!!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Karaoke with Brazilians

 Ok guys I know I haven't been the best at writing these sorry but I want to let y'all know I am alive and absolutely thriving out here. Anyone who tells you missions are hard are not lying to you but they aren't always hard. It's just a journey with a lot of ups and downs. I recently have just come out of one of the downs and am now once again enjoying my mission to the absolute fullest.

So to the explanation of why I am thriving. Recently we had a missionary go to his original assignment and he was the zone leader here in my area which means we had to have someone replace him. Luckily that was not me however it was my district leader and I got asked to be the new district leader. Now the reason why this is literally the best thing ever is the fact that as a district leader I get to choose when and where we do exchanges. Exchanges is where we switch companions for the day and get to hang out with the other elders. Well my district is all elders which means I can do a lot of exchanges and they are all soooo fun to be around. So I've been doing 2 exchanges per week for the past 2 weeks and have another 3 coming up before transfers. This is because I only had 3 weeks as district leader this transfer and need to make up for lost time. Needless to say it is literally soooo fun to be able to serve these other missionaries and have a blast. (also our exchanges are overnight so it's literally just sleepovers all the time!!!)

But as far as somethings about the area. We have our friend T who came to church this Sunday!!! He finally didn't have work so we will be able to plan his baptism which should come in the next week or two!!!

Also as the title says we had a Karaoke ward party which if y'all know Brazilians you know they know how to throw a party. Now you throw in 8 missionaries who love to party. Let's just say my name is Rod and I like to party. It was a blast

We also have been teaching a ton of English classes which is super fun to be able to help out these Brazilians and it's also an amazing way to find new people to teach!!! Knowing Portuguese is such a blessing!!

Finally I'll leave y'all with a thought from my scripture study this week. It comes from Mosiah 2:22 "And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you." Do we realize that really means? Literally everything we have is from the Lord. We literally do not breathe unless he allows it. Sometimes we think we are so independent and we have so much talent or ability. Except we don't. We are all like little babies who can't even live without God willing it to be so. Hoooowever God has given us all this and then he says if we do what he asks he will give us even more!!! Like how is that fair? We don't even deserve what we have. The generosity of God already is too great for us to comprehend but then if we do what he asks which we already should because of what he's already given us he's willing to give more *gasp* like is that not just the best thing ever. God literally loves us soooo much and we don't even recognize it most of the time. I know he loves all of you, I've seen his hand in my life. I know he knows each of us individually and wants the absolute best things for us. I love my Heavenly Father. I definitely do not deserve everything he's given me. I'm just a scrub. But I'm so grateful for the 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 chances he gives me. He has been so generous and do not even deserve half of the things he's given me, none of us do. And yet he does it because he loves us and if we are willing to let him prevail in our lives, we will see him there even more. We really will prosper, whether that is in our jobs, with our friends or family or sometimes just in the love of God, we will prosper. I love you all and I'm always praying for y'all!!!

-Elder Pettingill


-Our weekly service we do for a food bank!

-my boy Elder L who got moved to another zone:(

-Also Elder L finishing an insane ice cream challenge in 15 minutes

-setting up for a stake youth activity

-Zone Conference with our boy Matthew Holland

-All the missionaries in our ward at an awesome member meal!!! 

My First Farewell

For those who have been keeping up by reading these (tho I don't blame y'all as I only send them out like once a transfer now) I have never been transferred officially except by going home and coming back out to a new area until today! I'm being transferred! I know I know, the odds were against me, honestly I didn't think it could happen. But after 2 amazing transfers(3 months) with my trainee and 4 transfers here in Kissimmee, it is time for me to bid adieu. I have loved my time in Kissimmee and so this week was full of heart felt goodbyes. It's been really hard leaving this area after so long as I have so many good friends here in the area but I know the mission isn't about me and it isn't about what I want.

So although I would love to stay here it's time for me to make a new home and some new friends in a wonderful area called Windermere speaking Portuguese! I'm really excited to get to serve in a Portuguese area and will truly get to see how good my português is after all this time. I guess if they can't send me back to Brazil this is the closest thing they can get me to do.

Another big thing was I hit my 20 years since-I-was-born-mark! It was a super awesome time and I felt very loved by all my wonderful family here in Kissimmee! It's crazy to think how long it's been since I started my mission or left high school or a lot of other things but I guess time flies when you're having fun! Thanks goes to my mom for providing amazing presents even when I'm here all the way across the U.S.

Also to help show we are working and not just vacationing here in Florida, Elder P and I helped set a date for my wonderful friend E! She is so awesome and I am soo excited for her so please pray for her! It's been an eventful past couple of transfers but since I'm not going to recite everything that's happened, I will just say miracles come from working hard, especially when you feel the least like working hard! I love this work and I love my mission. I wouldn't change it for the world! I'm so thankful for the time I still have to serve the wonderful people of Florida!

Another thing that's really helped me recently is the realization that a hope in God is trusting that it will work out in the absolute best way possible. God is all-knowing and all-powerful. So guess what? That means he knows exactly what would be the best thing for us. So when we are going through those hard things, know that by going to God, he will be allowed to make sure that best thing happens. If we turn away from him he will still try his best, but it'll he so much better to turn to him. Trust in God, trust that he is, and trust that he loves you!!!

Love y'all

-Elder Pettingill


-party at the S's!

-one of my many cakes

-The S Family

 -my district!

-4th of July

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Long time, no talk

 Ok guys I know it's been fweaking while but I know y'all are dying for an update. So first off no my son in the mish is not a scrub, his name is Elder P and he's freaking hype. We have a joke he's my trainer because he literally is a beast and came pre-trained so that's hype.

We are still in Kissimmee East but I absolutely love this area. I've been here about 4 1/2 months and I've loved every bit of it. It's a complete blast with Elder P and we have a ton of fun. So much has happened but I haven't been writing weekly because I'm always so tired pday night so I'm sorry :( I'll try and be better.

Some of things we've done include going to Wild Florida and seeing a bunch of dope animals including a 14 ft gator which was low-key terrifying. Also no I have yet to wrestle one but I will. We also had a basketball tournament for a Elders Quorum activity called Elders versus Elderly which really meant 3 teams of 4 with 2 elders on each of the younger teams with some priests and teachers and a team of all older people. P and I of course swept the competition and took home the title! It was a lot of fun and it included a lot of awesome food. I've also had a lot of fun doing some exchanges getting to practice my Spanish and I got to go up to the Church Ranch here and have a sweet day of service. My district is so much fun and we honestly have a blast playing sports and games and just hanging out. I've had some of my really good friends here get to go to their original assignments which has been awesome but also sad because Ima miss them.

The teaching is going so well, we are really busy and we are working to help our friend R be baptized. He is so spiritual and we absolutely love every time we get to teach him. The love I have for these people here in Florida is amazing and I'm so happy I have the opportunity to serve God and learn so much while I do it.

This week I had a thought during personal study. I was thinking about President Nelson's challenge in conference that as we desire to grow our faith that we need to do things that require more faith. And something that really hit me is how that's how everything in the gospel works. If we want more hope we need to do things that require more hope, more diligence then do things that require more diligence. It's this reason that God gives us trials and tribulations because he knows what we need to work on and so he provides us with opportunities to do that more! I will give you guys a parable (I've been studying Christ's parables) about this subject. There once was a man who endeavored in boxing. He had never fought anyone but every morning he practiced. He of course improves in his abilities but until he actually fights his ability to improve is hampered. He does not know which abilities he lacks and which he's already good at. Not only that but knowledge unapplied is often lacking the wisdom that comes from experience. It is the same with our growth. We can learn about Christlike attributes and spiritual gifts but without ever applying them or seeking to use them in ways where we need to apply what we learn we may grow but it will be much slower and less noticeable.

I love this gospel, I've already been able to see how much I've changed in the past few months. Too often I look in the mirror and hardly recognize myself (that's a good thing). I love who I've become and I know it's truly been only because of my desire to turn it all over to the Lord. Here is a quote I love and I leave with y'all to ponder

"Trust in Him. Trust Him who knows all things. Trust Him who has all power. Trust Him whose love for you is perfect. Trust Him, who alone suffered, paid and atoned for your sins, and for your weaknesses as well. Trust Him that He will make of you, immeasurably more, than what you will ever, ever, in all eternity, make of yourself. He will create of you a masterpiece. You will create of you only a smudge. You will create an ordinary man. He will create a God."

I love you all, I pray every morning for y'all. Either by name specifically or in general I know God is watching over you.

-Elder Pettingill

Don't worry I got lots of pictures:

-district hangouts

-4th of July gear acquired from the one and only I


-more district hangout in our youth conference shirts

-did I say district hangout yet?

-^^ BBQ we had as a district

-more gators

-and my adorable friend Elder H because why not

Monday, April 26, 2021

Transfers and Training

No don't worry guys I wasn't transferred but Elder M was. Also sorry I don't have a lot of time but I'm training a new Elder which is awesome. But highlights from my week:

-we gave a blessing to someone in the hospital after being asked by his son

-we had an awesome lesson with some members that we love!

-we had a baptism!

-we were able to teach some awesome lessons and put another of our friends on date!

-we had stake conference

Love you guys!

-Elder Pettingill

-R and R's baptism
-the tech Sisters!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Best of times, worst of times

Hey friends! Ok this week was super awesome but we also weren't really able to teach anyone which kinda sucked but we were still super busy!

-we had crepes at bishop's storehouse

-taught some awesome members

-had a miracle looking for less actives

-interviews with President

-did exchanges with Elder M on Saturday

-I got to see Elder J! 

-visited wild Florida today

-I got us a punching bag

Sorry I don't have a ton of time:( If you have questions feel free to message me. 

Something I loved this week comes from "what seek ye" by Michael Wilcox (thanks mom!) In this book he talks about Christ's first words in John "what seek ye? " then his answer to the question is "come and see" In 6 words Christ has answered every desire and question we might have. If we want to know more about love, or faith, or what we should do in life, all we need to do is draw closer to our Savior. Anything at all can be found in our oldest brother. So ask yourself "what seek ye?" and whatever that answer is I promise you'll find it in our Savior. 

I love you guys and am praying for you all! 

-Elder Pettingill 

-Us at a service on Saturday! 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Easter, Conference, and Gators?

 Ok y'all I hope y'all are doing so well! It's been kinds crazy here this past week. I'll try and hit all the best points.

First off we have still been teaching our wonderful friend S. It can be hard because she just got a new job and has been struggling on making it to church. But she was going to be moving this last week but then she didn't have to! So she's still here and we don't have to pass her off!

Secondly we are teaching a ton but something our mission has put in place is 20 contacts everyday. And this has been helping us find even more people to teach. It's honestly so hard to remember everyone and everything we are doing. It's awesome though because this past week while doing cold calls we found someone who speaks French for Elder M! And then right afterwards we found someone who speaks português for me! It was such a cool miracle that we were able to do that since usually any other language we get is Spanish here which I take because I can speak it decently well now. So awesome to feel God's love tho.

Thirdly our mission President has finally put an official end to outside time during the day which means Elder M and I can't box during the day anymore. But don't fear we do it every Friday for Morning exercises.

Fourthly General Conference! I just wish I could express to you how awesome that was! Also not to mention the fact it was my first time in the mission! It was amazing and I took sooo many notes. There are too many amazing talks I just want to share them all. Something I love about General Conference is that it always feels like they plan their talks together but they don't! This Conference I felt there were 2 main themes. They either spoke about having more faith in Christ and that he is able to take away or understand our pain, or it was about having stronger love for others and being Christ's hand here on the Earth. A quote I love right from the beginning is from Elder Uchtdorf. "Because of Jesus Christ, our mistakes don't define us but can refine us." How awesome is that! I am so grateful that by turning to God he can take my flaws and mistakes and turn them into a beautiful work of art.

Fifthly for Easter a member had us and the other Elders for dinner and they made so much food for us! They also got us Easter snacks and party bags so that was super fun. We watched The Other Side of Heaven while we were there as well which is always fun although I may have found an anatomy and physiology textbook that I started reading for most of it.

Sixthly I got to see Sam Alkema! He was in town visiting Disney World and it was amazing that I happened to be in a close enough area that he could come visit. Definitely super dope and I appreciate the food he got us. Quesadilla burgers slap! 

Lastly I wrestled a gator today! OK not actually but I really wanted to and if the mother gator we found was a little nicer and little smaller I totally would've wrestled it. Instead we just antagonize an 8ft mother gator right by her babies. Not the smartest idea but it was a lot of fun. We went to the Church Ranch for pday today which was super fun. Such a blast and I've never seen so many Gators. We saw probably around 30 today! They were spread across the ranch and unfortunately for a large portion of the time we weren't in the position to try and wrestle a gator. Doesn't mean we didn't try when we could tho. 

I love you all and I hope you know how much Christ loves and knows you. You are the child of the Literal most powerful being in the Universe. Trust in him, trust that he knows what he's doing with you. When a master painter is creating art, you can't always understand what the end result will be. It can just look like blobs of color and random lines. But the master painter sees the end from the beginning. He knows exactly what he's doing even when it looks like the opposite. Well God is the best painter and we are his greatest creations, trust what he's doing with your life!

-Elder Pettingill

-my amazing district! 

-crazy ton of birds that are close to being endangered

-the amazing member that we had Easter with!


-us on the tourbus at the Ranch

Monday, March 22, 2021

Fight Night

Alrighty guys let's talk about what happened this week. Also hope you all are doing fantastic! So this week I have very unfortunate news. Our golden investigator wasn't able to meet with us at all! She was super sick all week :(

We also had several services this week which was fun. One of them, we helped this guy move who collects watches. We also had a blast at this other service on Saturday helping this family clear out a jungle (welcome to Florida) but we had a massive bonfire or at least what could've been an awesome bonfire but we cooked hotdogs so giant bonfire isn't what we were going for. Anyways, while we were there, the neighbor of the guy we were doing service for came over to eat with us and Elder M did a great job getting him talking about religion to which he ended up asking us a ton of awesome questions and we taught like almost all of all 3 of the lessons. It was crazy. Anyways super awesome times.

Another fun thing that happened this week was that Elder M and I got boxing gloves and have had some fun sparring times. Nothing too serious and we don't do face shots but it's been a lot of fun. Its helped us come a lot closer because it's a sport Elder M likes. So far I've won our matches but Elder M is getting better. 

We also have had a wonderful time becoming friends with the members. The members here are so dope and it's absolutely so fun eating and teaching them. 

This week we focused a lot on charity. It's something we all can do better with but as far as a definition I would say charity is acting how Christ would act if He was here. He is all about loving others and putting others before Himself and so that's something we need to strive to do. And I know that when I forget myself and just think about others, the time here just flies and that is when you mourn with those who mourn and it's the best. Try to see others as God sees them and it's hard to hate anyone when you realize that's your brother or sister, someone who God has an infinite love for. 

We also had a great time today going to Disney Springs. It was a blast! I was able to have a fun time with the Elders and we got to go through that experience. Everything is crazy expensive tho so I didnt really buy anything except a shirt that everyone here has so I had to cop one too obviously.

I love yall! I love Florida, I love my mission and I love the Lord. 

-Elder Pettingill 

-Us at Disney Springs plus the Sisters that we saw while we were there!

-the guy's watch collection (there are 3 more pictures like this) 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Miracles vs Aliens

Ight y'all this week was sick. Honestly though most of the dope part of the week was like Friday-Sunday so I'll mainly be talking about that. 

Anyways story time: Friday comes along and we haven't been able to get in contact with our golden friend at all. She said last week that she was prob gonna have to go to the hospital so we were super worried about her. Anyways we have this bombin mission devotional about following the spirit. And we get the feeling we gotta go visit S. Anyways we have this dinner planned for 7:30 and we were gonna go visit S at 5 but then the dinner changed to 5 and I don't know why but we were like it's fine we will do the dinner and visit S afterwards. Normally that's a terrible idea especially after getting a prompting but anyways we go to the dinner and it goes way long so we don't get out until 7. And at this point we are like, ight let's go see if she's home. We get there and she has just gotten home from the hospital like 5 minutes before and she had just found out her dad died and when she was in tears we show up outta nowhere and she was absolutely amazed. We were amazed. It was dope. Anyways we give her a Book of Mormon and invite her to church and she was like yes I'll absolutely be there at church. So we were hyped and she was hyped and everyone was hyped. So Sunday shows up and we had gotten her a ride to church and she shows up and she loves it. After we were able to set up a lesson for later that day and we were able to teach her an awesome lesson about the Plan of Salvation. Absolutely amazing and we invited her to be baptized and she was so hyped about it. So she was hyped and we were hyped and everyone was hyped. So we told her how often we would need to meet with her so she could get baptized and she wrote down on her calendar when we would come and all this dope stuff so we are a little bit a lot a bit excited for her!

Anyways before that on Saturday we were able to do a fun service for some people in our ward fixing up the house they will be moving into. It's a dope house but a lot of work to be done. So I had fun sanding the ceiling so that the finishers can come in and do everything else (feat the pic of me below)

Lastly Saturday night we did a Bible study with this guy. Heck of a time with him because he was able to explain to us about how Satan via his demons (basically aliens) have warped us and created all these kind of hybrid humans and that's where all the stories about Vampires and Werewolves and giants and all that stuff comes from. He also explained to us how the Vatican church is actually led by Satan and they do a lot of work to cover all this stuff up. And that the reason we think we've seen aliens is because it's actually Satan's devils who do all that. Honestly I'm down with but we decided against meeting with him again because turns out he thought the first vision was dope but he wasnt interested in it or the Book of Mormon. So bummer there but quite the experience. 

Something I absolutely loved from our mission devotional was the quote "ordinary people doing ordinary things can lead to extraordinary miracles" and I absolutely love that! A lot of the times all we need to be doing is trying our best and the Lord will guide us. A lot of the times we just do what's logical or what seems logical at the time and the Lord will do the rest. He will place us in the position to do His work if that's what we desire. We can be the ministering angels to our brethren if that's our desire. I absolutely know that is true. We don't have to be perfect but if we are trying Christ will make up the rest. Coincidences don't happen simply because. Coincidences happen because we have a Father in Heaven who is watching over everything we are doing. He loves us so much. I hope you guys are able to see how much He loves you. If you don't know, look for His hand in your life because I promise He is there. 

-Elder Pettingill 

-The blue light glasses my sister picked out for me!

- I got a little covered in sawdust

- a dinosaur pancake I made along with buttermilk syrup I also made (that's right ladies I can cook now and make adorable shaped pancakes so win win)

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


I know it's been crazy and I'm being transferred again! It's been crazy recently all this moving around that's happening. Oh wait psych I don't get transferred, we all know this. So I'm still here in Kissimmee East with Elder M but we did have a bunch of people in our district get moved either because they're going home or just were transferred so we are getting 3 new elders and 2 new sisters. Very sad to see my friends leave but we have a greenie coming in our ward share that we've planned on messing with and we will also have a greenie in our district so hopefully next week I'll have some stories for y'all. 

As for this week not much happened. Ok that's a lie a lot happened. Lots of crazy fun stuff but I don't have a ton of time this week so I'll be fast.

Tuesday we did an exchange. I went to St. Cloud with Elder G, met this guy here. Super awesome member but he's inactive. He loves the church but has some problems with some other members. I was able to help him and he loved having me there. It was awesome to see that God knows and has a wonderful path for us.

We stole like all the investigators from the Canoe Creek sisters because of the ward boundaries all their people are in our area now. So that's awesome. We felt bad but they just both got transferred out so it's all good! RIP the incoming sisters

We have been just absolutely loving this ward. Everyday we are so blessed to be a part of it. God really knows what He's doing and He always has a plan. 

Love yall! 

Elder Pettingill

-Our district

-playing volleyball

-I taught sister E how to cartwheel 

Kissme in the East

 Alright what's up ya'll! I know you're all dying to find out what happened to our area and yes we were transferred! Our area is now Kissimmee (ki-sim-me) East which is awesome because it's crazy in Kissimmee. Elder M was a little overwhelmed with the transition but it's all good because this area seems super awesome. There is already so much for us to do so we are excited to get to work or at least I'm excited to get to work. 

We are still ward sharing with some Elders who are super awesome and we already love them plus they like sharing so we set up what areas we would cover and we would send over any member or friend in their area and vice versa. So when they got a referral for this lady in our area they were kind enough to let us teach her. Well she ended up being super dope so I kinda feel bad. But she wants to get baptized and loves us already. Huge answer to our prayers because in every prayer this past week we have been adding in to find someone to baptize by the end of March because as a mission our goal is to have each companionship get 1 baptism every quarter. So we are super excited because she is very set on getting baptized and we think we can definitely get her taught everything she needs to know so that she can be baptized. Like this lady is super awesome. RIP to the Kissimmee West Elders but we are very grateful.

We also did exchanges with the Zone Leaders! It was so fun because I got to go practice my Spanish with Elder Turley, my Zone Leader from Conway who I was really tight with. So fun to get to spend the day with him even if it wasn't as successful as we had hoped. I did get the opportunity to bear my testimony in Spanish and I can confidently say I understand 90% of all things said in Spanish as we had dinner with some Spanish members. Also fun story is that we were supposed to show up for dinner at this one family's house but the meal calendar showed an address for that family's mom because they had moved out back in September! So after talking with her and she was definitely the hardest I've heard to understand Spanish but I still caught almost everything (that's the main reason I'm confident with 90%). Anyways it was a blast and to end the day off right we went to Twistee Treat which is like a little ice cream shop that is super good.

Those were pretty much the only exciting things that happened this week. We weren't able to work with I a ton because we were often busy in the mornings and she isn't available after about 4:00 everyday so we definitely want to focus more on her this week. 

Something I loved from my readings of the Book of Mormon this week is from the end of the war chapters. In Helaman 3:27 it says, "Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name." I love this so much because throughout the wars that the Nephites had with the Lamanites whenever the Nephites were prideful the Lamanites would gain some advantage but immediately as they turned humble again God would lift them out of their suffering and allow them to prosper again. I love that he is willing to let us make mistakes so that we will turn back to him again. But immediately when we turn to him he will lift us up. I saw something that was awesome on Facebook and it said "God doesn't love you in your mistakes but rather he loves you despite your mistakes." Just because we mess up doesn't mean it's over. Sure we will have consequences but as soon as we turn to God he will enable us to be healed through his son. I know that Christ lives and loves us so much more than we can even imagine. All he wants is for us to return to Him. He mourns when He watches us suffer especially when we suffer without His help. He went through the Atonement alone so we wouldn't have to go through anything alone. We will never understand, truly, His suffering but He understands, truly, ours. Turn to Christ everyday. He is pleading for you and I'm pleading for you.

I love y'all so much! 

-Elder Pettingill

-good ol' jack brack love that guy

-Elder Turley and I at twistee treat!

-us with our delicious icey cream